Friday, June 12, 2009

Freedom with commands

The other day, my fiance was reading a familiar Psalm to me...Psalm 119. (Yes, and if you know your Bible trivia, it is the longest chapter in the Bible!) I've read all of those words before, but as I listened one struck me in particular. "I run in the path of Your commands, for You have set my heart free" (32). Usually, commands and freedom don't get grouped together as synonymous. In today's culture, freedom means that you are free from structure, rules, commands, etc. But, in God's Word, this type of "freedom" is really bondage that leads to destruction. If we follow God's commands, which are set before us in His Word, we do not have to fear punishment, bad consequences, and wrath. We can run freely, within the path that God has set before of love, joy, and peace. Live in righteousness...Obey His Word...Enjoy freedom.