Sunday, April 20, 2008

Name calling

Good looking. Popular. Loser. Rich girl. Snob. Sweet. Shy. Moody (not to be confused with Mr. D.L. Moody). Mean. Smart. The world calls people all sorts of different names. Some good...others not so good. But, our God also calls us names...GOOD names. His words are forever...they give us eternal worth. In Isaiah 62, God calls His children by various names. One of them, in particular, intrigued me..."Hephzibah" (vs. 4). It means, "My delight is in her". Wow! Our Creator God delights in us!!! Check out the other names in this passage (vs. 12):
-Holy People
-Redeemed of the Lord
-Sought After
-City No Longer Deserted
As a woman, I think my favorite name is "Sought After". Let's be honest, every woman wants to be sought after. She wants to feel that she is valued and loved. God knows that about us- He is well aware of our feelings, our emotions, and our needs. Because of that He assures us, "Daughter, you are sought after by Me- no one else can possibly care for you and love you the way I do. You are mine."
So, the next time someone asks you, "What's your name?" or "What do they call you?" Go ahead- tell them you are "Redeemed of the Lord" and "Sought after" an eternal God!
Thank You, Lord!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SHi Sweetie! I am really blessed and challenged by your devotional blogs. Recently, I heard a sermon by John MacArthur about how much we are loved by God, even though we are so undeserving. John said, commenting on 1 Cor. 15:28: "When the Father gives the Son the bride, when redemption is over and the redeemed are gathered, the Son, in an act of reciprocal love gives the Bride and Himself back to the Father, so that God the Father is all in all."
John also said, "We are caught up in a glorious expression of love between the Father and the Son; It is way beyond us."
Love, Mom