"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Psalm 119:105). My desire for this blog is that you will be challenged and encouraged by the online devotions from God's Word...written from a real person on a real path in this world.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"More & More"
You can never get enough of a good thing! Recently, some girlfriends and I ordered a chocolate dessert at a restaurant. (We decided to be “healthy” and split the double chocolate fudge gooey brownie sundae 3 ways…that’s a little bit of an oxymoron!) The waiter gave us a cup of fudge sauce to drizzle on our grand finale to dinner. Wow! Our taste buds were thrilled! But once we had scraped the little cup dry, we looked at each other with the same expression…our eyes and smiles said one word… “More!” After our request, the patient waiter blessed us again with another cup of fudge sauce! Needless to say, he received a great tip! As I said before, you can never get enough of a good thing! The Thessalonians were doing some good things when Paul wrote them a letter around 50 A.D. In chapter four of 1 Thessalonians, he commended them of living lives that were pleasing to God (vs. 1), and showing brotherly love to others (vs. 10). But, he didn’t stop there- he said, “More!” “Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more” (vs. 2) & “Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so (showing love) more and more” (vs. 10). Paul challenged them to continue moving forward…living holy lives…pleasing God more and more and more and more and… While I was home this week, my dad challenged me with these same words…to keep on living for Him more and more. It wasn’t until a couple of days later that I read these verses of Scripture and was reminded that we have to continually ask, challenge, and urge each other to keep on keeping on in the Christian life...to never become weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9). You can never get enough of a good thing! Challenge one another today…don’t settle…live, serve, and love God “more and more!”
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
what is your destiny?
“It’s your destiny”- yeah, you hear that a lot in Hollywood movies- and usually it is surrounded by fame, glamour, and beauty. What is your destiny? But, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 3:3 that trials are a part of a believer’s destiny. We were destined (intended, meant, ordained, designed) for hardship. Why? Because that is how God’s glory is going to be revealed. That is how is strength is made known most clearly. That is how His grace is proven that it is more than sufficient! The next time you hear, “What is your destiny?” Don’t picture Hollywood lights, fame, and fortune. Remember, Jesus’ destiny: He was born in an animal stable, he was the son of a carpenter, he had no place to lay his head, he was born to die…not so glamorous- but, oh, so eternal, so life-changing, so worth it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sharing Our Lives
“We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” (1 Thessalonians 2:8) “…had become…” this past tense verb phrase plays a very important role in the interpretation of this passage. It shows that there is some history behind this relationship- it has already been developing- there was a process involved. Paul, Silas, and Timothy worked at their relationship with the Thessalonians. Acquaintances (and even friends) don’t become “dear” over night. A person can have many friends, but only a few that are truly “dear”. So…how do they reach this intimate level of friendship? …by spending time with them, walking alongside them through the good times and bad times, loving them in spite of their little quirks, initiating forgiveness, and being genuine. Basically, sharing life with them…being vulnerable, real, and unselfish. Preaching the gospel to the Thessalonians was not something to cross off the apostles’ “ministry to-do list”, it was an act of love and true friendship…a delight. As Paul, Silas, and Timothy shared their lives with the Thessalonians, it was natural to share their faith with them. After all, their lives were centered around Christ. “…to live is Christ…” (Philippians 1:21) So, are you trying to witness to someone about Jesus? Don’t think of it as an item to check off your to-do list. No! Share your life, invest, and spend time with them! Be real. Show your heart. Live out your faith. Then, you will have many people that are truly “dear” to you!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Here's a "Shout Out!"
I have a part time job at the YMCA, and when someone does something that is noteworthy, we give them “Shout Out”! Basically, it’s a compliment that is broadcasted for everyone to hear. Well, today, I want to give a “Shout Out!” to two very important people in my life (that is an understatement). I was reading in the second chapter of 1 Thessalonians, where Paul, Silas, and Timothy were explaining their ministry to the Thessalonians. Paul says in verse 7, “…we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children…” and in verse 11 & 12, “…we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God…”. Paul did make a generalization of parents in this passage…assuming that all parents live this way…with godly gentleness, encouragement, comfort, and wisdom. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. But, I am so blessed to give my folks a “Shout Out!” because they have truly lived this passage out…my mom is so gentle and loving towards me. I have even told her before, “Mom, I think you love me too much!” I am forever grateful for her kindness and compassion! And, my dad…he is always challenging me to deepen my relationship with the Lord, while reminding me of his love through his comfort and encouragement. As I seek to be a blessing to others, may I follow the example of Paul, Silas, Timothy, my mom, and my dad.
(PS- Thanks, Mom & Dad! And, Happy B-day, Dad!)
(PS- Thanks, Mom & Dad! And, Happy B-day, Dad!)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Are You Model Material?
Well, I am 5’ 6”, I wear a size 8 shoe, and I am about average in weight. What do you think? Hmmm… not quite the point I was trying to make. Many times, when we hear the word, “model” we think of the airbrushed divas on the covers of magazines. Or maybe the ladies that wear those eccentric, unique, (or just plain weird) fashion designer clothes on a runway. Well, the church in Thessalonica was not seen on the cover of a magazine, but they were a different kind of model. Those believers were excellent examples that were worthy of being imitated. Even in the midst of suffering, they kept the faith and had true joy. Because of their testimony, their faith in God became known everywhere…now THAT is true model material! (“…in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia- your faith in God has become known everywhere.” 1 Thess. 1:6b-8) And, just as people started watching and modeling their lives after them, the Thessalonians watched and modeled their lives after Paul, Silas, and Timothy… (“…you became imitators of us…” 1 Thess. 1:6a). It’s a chain reaction…we can imitate other believers, and in turn, they can imitate us. But, ultimately, we have ONE top model that we imitate…JESUS CHRIST. So, who is imitating you? Is that good news or bad news? Let’s make sure that we are all model material…there are a lot of “wanna be” models watching…
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
faith, love, hope...works, labor, endurance
It is clear in Ephesians 2:8-9 that is by God’s grace and through faith in Him that we are saved- not of our works…contrary to popular (worldly) opinions. However, our works and good deeds are not completely detached from our faith…but they do not produce our faith, nor do they bring us eternal salvation. Rather, our faith produces good works…because of our faith in Christ, we have a reason and a passion to please Him and to glorify Him in everything we say and do (2 Corinthians 5:9). This truth is found in 1 Thessalonians 1:3, where Paul writes, “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith…”. He also continues on in this passage, saying that the Thessalonians’ labor was prompted by love and their endurance was inspired by the hope in the Lord Jesus. Just like our faith results in good works... our love results in good labor and our hope in the Lord results in our endurance.
Lord, may our faith, love, and hope, result in good works, good labor, and endurance...all for You.
Lord, may our faith, love, and hope, result in good works, good labor, and endurance...all for You.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My God is...
An email or a letter can tell you a lot about a person, right? Maybe it’s in the wording they choose to use, or the stories they tell, or even how they describe their day or circumstances. As I was reading a passage in Titus today in my devotions, God painted a picture of Himself. In less than three verses, He told me so much about Himself. Check it out:
“…He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:5b-7)
By looking at this passage, I know that my God is…
-the Giver of new beginnings
-loving (adopts us as heirs)
-the Giver of hope
Thank You, Lord, for showing me clearly Who You are! And, You are so much more! May I dig deeper into Your Word to have the privilege of knowing You more and more!
“…He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:5b-7)
By looking at this passage, I know that my God is…
-the Giver of new beginnings
-loving (adopts us as heirs)
-the Giver of hope
Thank You, Lord, for showing me clearly Who You are! And, You are so much more! May I dig deeper into Your Word to have the privilege of knowing You more and more!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Stating the Obvious
In my study of Titus, I was reading a passage which struck me as humorous. Now, I’m not talking about the “ha-ha” kind of funny. No, it was more of how Paul stated the obvious to Titus, his son in the faith. Paul writes:
“At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.” (Titus 3:3-5a)
Did Paul really need to write, “...not because of the righteous things we had done…”? Obviously, by looking at the qualities (vs. 3) we were before His mercy and grace appeared in our lives, it would be ludicrous to think of ourselves as close to righteous…and even more absurd to think we could save ourselves through our deeds. Although it’s an obvious statement when you step back and look at it, Paul still needed to write it because God knows our tendencies. He knows that our pride gets in the way…believing that maybe our good deeds had some sort of pull in getting us saved. No…after looking at how we were before salvation (foolish, disobedient, deceived, …), we can truly testify that our salvation is through Jesus Christ and by His amazing grace.
“At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.” (Titus 3:3-5a)
Did Paul really need to write, “...not because of the righteous things we had done…”? Obviously, by looking at the qualities (vs. 3) we were before His mercy and grace appeared in our lives, it would be ludicrous to think of ourselves as close to righteous…and even more absurd to think we could save ourselves through our deeds. Although it’s an obvious statement when you step back and look at it, Paul still needed to write it because God knows our tendencies. He knows that our pride gets in the way…believing that maybe our good deeds had some sort of pull in getting us saved. No…after looking at how we were before salvation (foolish, disobedient, deceived, …), we can truly testify that our salvation is through Jesus Christ and by His amazing grace.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
SPECK- Bible Study Tool
This week, one of my dear friends recommended a great Bible study tool to me. I have always used the Observation, Interpretation, & Application outline in studying Bible passages. Now, I started implementing this study tool as well. My friend is a mother of three small kiddos...all under the age of three. Yes...wow! Sometimes, in the midst of dirty diapers, crying children, and potty training, she only has a few moments at a time to soak in a Bible passage. She said that no matter how much time she has, she can use this Bible study tool to help her dig deep into the meat of the Scripture.
When, reading a passage (1-4 verses), look for...
S- sin to confess
P- promise to claim
E- example to follow
C- command to obey
K- knowledge to gain
I've enjoyed using this study tool- I pray that you will, too!
When, reading a passage (1-4 verses), look for...
S- sin to confess
P- promise to claim
E- example to follow
C- command to obey
K- knowledge to gain
I've enjoyed using this study tool- I pray that you will, too!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
One minute blessing
This past week, I have witnessed the power of encouragement...through a passing comment, a short email, a friendly hug. There were no trophies awarded, achievement plaques received, or large headlines on the front page of the newspaper. These words and acts of encouragement were simply from hearts that took one minute out of their day to uplift a brother or sister...a one minute act of kindness turned into a blessed memory for a lifetime. So, take a minute today. Share with someone you love how much they mean to you...send a quick email, drop off a short note, leave a brief message..."let us encourage one another" (Hebrews 10:25). Your obedience to encourage could change someone's life for the better.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Know Your Stuff
Know your stuff. Know your doctrine. There are many false teachers, mere talkers, deceivers in this world…especially in this day and age. We have got to be on our guard! Stay on your theological toes! And, these false teachings can come from any angle, any corner, any venue you could possibly imagine…teachings that try to sway children, young people, and adults, from the Truth found in God’s Word. Satan is not too picky…he wants to devour all (1 Peter 5:8). I am so proud of a young middle school girl who is dear to my heart. She told me how she was watching TV one night, and overheard some different worldviews coming through the speakers. Without anyone telling her that these thoughts were in opposition to the Word of God…she already knew. She knew the Truth found in the Bible, and she identified the lies of the world. She is watching…she is on her guard…she is ready to take captive any thought that’s opposed to the Word of God. Friends, “watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save yourself and your hearers.”
(1 Timothy 4:16)
(1 Timothy 4:16)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
More Than I Can Handle?
Have you ever heard someone say, "God will never give me more than I can handle?" Where did God say that? I think people take the passage in 1 Corinthians 10 out of context. "...And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear" (13). Paul is referring to temptation here...not hardships. Later, in that same verse, he explains how God will provide you with a way to resist that temptation...NOT a trial. So, will God really give me more than I can handle sometimes? I believe the answer is YES...not to discourage us, but to refine us. When we are given more than we can humanly handle, that is when we truly see God's power shining through our weakness. God says, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). We should echo Paul's words when he said, "I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Cor. 12:9b-10).
Friday, July 25, 2008
"...Demas sends greetings..."
Funny…I was just thinking before I started today’s devotions…well, I’m at the end of the book of Colossians, and all Paul is saying is, “Tell him ‘hi’ for me...read the letter...", and giving me a long list of names I can’t pronounce. But, right before I started reading, I prayed that God would give me a fresh Word from His heart...that He would make that passage come alive for me this morning! oh yes...He did...God showed me so much more.
Demas…he was a fellow worker- working side by side by Paul, one of the greatest missionaries of all times, one of founding fathers of the faith…he learned from Paul- one of the best! All it says in Colossians 4:14 is, “…Demas sends greetings.” But, I did a little study on our friend, Demas, in the Bible. Apparently Paul wrote about him again to Timothy about 6 years later, “…Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica” (2 Timothy 4:10). How is it possible that he could trade a great friendship and ministry with Apostle Paul for something else? How could this happen? I don’t think it happened over night. I’m not sure how long this downward spiral continued, but this comment was written 6 years after Paul referred to him as a “fellow worker”. A lot can happen in 6 years…a lot of ideas, worldviews, idols of the heart, bad influences, and temptations, can creep in little by little into one’s heart and mind. And, if Demas wasn’t continually throwing off these hindrances, a love of this world could develop…and it did develop. His allegiance switched from a life devoted to Christ and His work, to a life devoted to this world. We have to be on our guard, friends! “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith…” (1 Peter 5:8-9a). May we learn a lesson from Demas.
Demas…he was a fellow worker- working side by side by Paul, one of the greatest missionaries of all times, one of founding fathers of the faith…he learned from Paul- one of the best! All it says in Colossians 4:14 is, “…Demas sends greetings.” But, I did a little study on our friend, Demas, in the Bible. Apparently Paul wrote about him again to Timothy about 6 years later, “…Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica” (2 Timothy 4:10). How is it possible that he could trade a great friendship and ministry with Apostle Paul for something else? How could this happen? I don’t think it happened over night. I’m not sure how long this downward spiral continued, but this comment was written 6 years after Paul referred to him as a “fellow worker”. A lot can happen in 6 years…a lot of ideas, worldviews, idols of the heart, bad influences, and temptations, can creep in little by little into one’s heart and mind. And, if Demas wasn’t continually throwing off these hindrances, a love of this world could develop…and it did develop. His allegiance switched from a life devoted to Christ and His work, to a life devoted to this world. We have to be on our guard, friends! “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith…” (1 Peter 5:8-9a). May we learn a lesson from Demas.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Our Trustworthy God
Last night, while I was praying with a group of folks from my church, I was convicted. When I was talking aloud to the Lord, I echoed a father's prayer to the Lord, "Lord, help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24) I confessed to Him that I have a problem trusting sometimes...it can be difficult in my humanness. Then, I believe God drilled a point into my heart. I thought to myself, what if one of my dear friends- one that I care about deeply and would do anything for- approached me and said, "Emily, I'm having a difficult time trusting you- it's just hard sometimes." I would be so offended, hurt, and disappointed! But, what about when I say that to the Almighty God? My Father, my Deliverer, my Refuge, my Creator, my All in All? He has proven Himself MORE than worthy to receive all of our trust! He really doesn't even have to prove it to us...but He does. We should trust Him because of who He is...the I AM. I do NOT want to offend the Lord by telling Him, "It's hard to trust You." How hurtful that is to Him...God, forgive me.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Cheer 'em on!
Picture Paul: in prison...in chains...uncomfortable...cheering people on...wait- cheering people on? Yes! Despite his earthly circumstances, Paul had an eternal perspective, which helped him to be one of the greatest cheerleaders and encouragers of all time! Get this: Onesimus, a runaway slave from Colosse, was totally going against the meaning of his name, “Useful”. When Paul met him in Rome, he could have disregarded him because of his sin- he could have thought of him as a rebellious young man who was not going to listen- he could have ignored him because of his attitude- but, no…Paul saw potential in that young man. He took Onesimus under his wing- he led him to Christ- he mentored him. Finally, Paul wrote a letter to Onesimus' former master, Philemon, requesting that he welcome him back with open arms. “Formerly he (Philemon) was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.” (Philemon 11) Formerly… that is a key word here…Paul doesn’t let the past get in the way of the present or even the future…he sees past it. For the Lord says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it! I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18) Paul did not dwell on the things of the past- he did not want Philemon nor Onesimus to dwell on the things of the past…no! God was doing a NEW THING in the heart of Onesimus! Paul took the initiative to support Onesimus- he signed up to be his #1 fan and cheerleader. We have to do that as believers…we need to come behind someone and root them on to victory….help him/her to see and others to see that God wants to do a new thing in his/her life! Encouragement goes a long way… who will you cheer on today?
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tychicus' Example
"Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord." (Colossians 4:7)
Even if you can't pronounce his name correctly, you can clearly see he was a man of integrity and led by the Holy Spirit. He was special to Paul- a true friend...he was loyal, committed, dedicated- he worked alongside others for the glory of God. It is my desire for someone to say about me:
"Emily is a dear sister, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord." May we make it our goal to please Him! (2 Cor. 5:9a).
Even if you can't pronounce his name correctly, you can clearly see he was a man of integrity and led by the Holy Spirit. He was special to Paul- a true friend...he was loyal, committed, dedicated- he worked alongside others for the glory of God. It is my desire for someone to say about me:
"Emily is a dear sister, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord." May we make it our goal to please Him! (2 Cor. 5:9a).
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Pour on the salt!
"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." (Colossians 4:6)
This passage said to season your conversation with salt…but it also said in the Old Testament to season all of your offerings to God. ("...add salt to all your offerings..." Lev. 2:13). Our speech is considered an offering to God…we need to see it as that. What kind of offering do you present with your words? Is it pleasing to Him? Our mouths and our words can be harmful or helpful…we need to see our conversation as an offering unto God. Seasoning it with salt...enhancing others...just as salt enhances the flavor of food, we want to enhance others’ walk with Christ. We can do that by using our words to build up others- not to tear them down. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:14).
This passage said to season your conversation with salt…but it also said in the Old Testament to season all of your offerings to God. ("...add salt to all your offerings..." Lev. 2:13). Our speech is considered an offering to God…we need to see it as that. What kind of offering do you present with your words? Is it pleasing to Him? Our mouths and our words can be harmful or helpful…we need to see our conversation as an offering unto God. Seasoning it with salt...enhancing others...just as salt enhances the flavor of food, we want to enhance others’ walk with Christ. We can do that by using our words to build up others- not to tear them down. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:14).
Saturday, July 5, 2008
...being watchful...
Colossians 4:2a- "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful..."
Do we pray with great expectations? Do we expect the unexpected? If not, why not? We should! "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37). In this passage, Paul exhorts us to be WATCHFUL...to watch out for what God is doing. Don't have faithless prayers- our God is BIG! Faith and prayer go hand in hand. However the Lord decides to answer our prayers- it is for the best (Romans 8:28), and remember...our God can do ANYTHING!
Do we pray with great expectations? Do we expect the unexpected? If not, why not? We should! "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37). In this passage, Paul exhorts us to be WATCHFUL...to watch out for what God is doing. Don't have faithless prayers- our God is BIG! Faith and prayer go hand in hand. However the Lord decides to answer our prayers- it is for the best (Romans 8:28), and remember...our God can do ANYTHING!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
hee-hee...so, did you rush to your calendars and make sure we were still in the month of June? well...no worries- you haven't gone crazy- we are not in November, but we are always to be in the season of thanksgiving. I was reading Colossians 3:15-17, and I noticed how many times Paul mentions for us to be thankful. Check it out... "And be thankful" (vs. 15)..."with gratitude in our hearts to God" (vs. 16)... "giving thanks to God the Father..."(vs. 17). See a pattern here? We are continually to live a life of thanksgiving in the Name of the Lord Jesus (vs. 17). He states it pretty simply in verse 15..."And be thankful." period. 3 word sentence. It doesn't get more clear than that, folks. My parents came to visit this past weekend, and they truly live out this instruction- they are very thankful people. Their joy and thankfulness are contagious. I praise the Lord for them- I THANK the Lord for them!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
False Accusations
Towards the end of my Bible study this morning (in my favorite "Bible-study-spot"...the tan comfy chair, Bible, laptop, coffee), I was working on the application part of the Colossians text I was studying. Well...I'm not sure how I got to this next thought- but, I started thinking...
When Jesus was on the earth, many people falsely accused Him of things- such as not being the Son of God, working by Beelzebub (prince of demons), questioning His authority, etc... I thought to myself, "Well, I would never falsely accuse God of anything- He's GOD!" But, then, I began to search my heart...a word popped in my mind- "TRUST". Do, I truly trust Him? In everything? When I don't trust Him with the details of my day and my future, I am basically telling Him that He can't handle it. I'm questioning His authority- I'm saying, "God, I don't think this situation is on Your radar..." I'm falsely accusing Him. ooh- conviction...Lord, help me to trust You. You have my whole life on Your radar screen. You know...You see...help me to believe. If I trust You with eternal salvation, I can trust You with my everyday life.
When Jesus was on the earth, many people falsely accused Him of things- such as not being the Son of God, working by Beelzebub (prince of demons), questioning His authority, etc... I thought to myself, "Well, I would never falsely accuse God of anything- He's GOD!" But, then, I began to search my heart...a word popped in my mind- "TRUST". Do, I truly trust Him? In everything? When I don't trust Him with the details of my day and my future, I am basically telling Him that He can't handle it. I'm questioning His authority- I'm saying, "God, I don't think this situation is on Your radar..." I'm falsely accusing Him. ooh- conviction...Lord, help me to trust You. You have my whole life on Your radar screen. You know...You see...help me to believe. If I trust You with eternal salvation, I can trust You with my everyday life.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Put to death
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these the wrath of God is coming."
Colossians 3:5-6
I consider myself to be a positive, upbeat person. (I was even a part of an Optimist Club as a teenager...and my dad was the President! and I'm not joking!) So, sometimes, these are the kinds of uncomfortable verses many of us may want to skim or skip over- you know- the "death", "sexual immorality", "idolatry", or "wrath" type verses. But, heaven forbid that we would do such a thing. Sin is real. Sin is rampant. God's wrath is real. We see the consequences of sin everyday. How do we stop the downward spiral of morality? By... PUTTING TO DEATH those things which are against God's will. I thought about this instruction given by Paul in verse 5- "Put to death". We need to kill sin. It is not good enough to let it rest, for it will wake up again. It can have no breath in it- no life- no chance of revival. We have to starve sin to death. How? By not feeding our minds and hearts with the nastiness of this world. (examples: bad movies, suggestive TV shows, worldly magazines, questionable internet sites, foolish company, etc.) In order to put sin to death, unplug all possible forms of life-support. This is the ONLY way you will be successful in following Paul's instructions in Colossians 3:1-2, "...set your hearts on things above...set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
Colossians 3:5-6
I consider myself to be a positive, upbeat person. (I was even a part of an Optimist Club as a teenager...and my dad was the President! and I'm not joking!) So, sometimes, these are the kinds of uncomfortable verses many of us may want to skim or skip over- you know- the "death", "sexual immorality", "idolatry", or "wrath" type verses. But, heaven forbid that we would do such a thing. Sin is real. Sin is rampant. God's wrath is real. We see the consequences of sin everyday. How do we stop the downward spiral of morality? By... PUTTING TO DEATH those things which are against God's will. I thought about this instruction given by Paul in verse 5- "Put to death". We need to kill sin. It is not good enough to let it rest, for it will wake up again. It can have no breath in it- no life- no chance of revival. We have to starve sin to death. How? By not feeding our minds and hearts with the nastiness of this world. (examples: bad movies, suggestive TV shows, worldly magazines, questionable internet sites, foolish company, etc.) In order to put sin to death, unplug all possible forms of life-support. This is the ONLY way you will be successful in following Paul's instructions in Colossians 3:1-2, "...set your hearts on things above...set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Secure Refuge
"...your life is now hidden with Christ in God..." Colossians 3:3
This morning I was just reflecting on this verse...what protection, what safety, what a Refuge!! Think about it...as a believers in Jesus, we can be confident in our firm foundation and our hiding place. First of all, we are WITH Christ. Not just near or close to Him, but we are WITH Him. In addition to that, we are IN God. Not beside Him or one step away...no! We are IN Him. Our Abba, our Father, protects us by hiding our lives with Him- in Him. Now THAT is security! Who is like the Lord? (Psalm 89:8) No one! No one else can offer this level of protection and this quality of refuge. Be confident in knowing that He watches over you.
This morning I was just reflecting on this verse...what protection, what safety, what a Refuge!! Think about it...as a believers in Jesus, we can be confident in our firm foundation and our hiding place. First of all, we are WITH Christ. Not just near or close to Him, but we are WITH Him. In addition to that, we are IN God. Not beside Him or one step away...no! We are IN Him. Our Abba, our Father, protects us by hiding our lives with Him- in Him. Now THAT is security! Who is like the Lord? (Psalm 89:8) No one! No one else can offer this level of protection and this quality of refuge. Be confident in knowing that He watches over you.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
delightful disciplines
Check out Colossians 2:5. "For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is."
Paul was excited not only to see how solid their faith was, but to see their orderliness. Now, when I think of orderly, I think of clean rooms, tidy kitchens, organized garages, filing cabinets, and manila folders. Is that what Paul means? Is he planning on doing the "white glove" dust check on their furniture? hmmm...probably not. But, let's look at the same verse in a different translation- "...rejoicing to see your GOOD DISCIPLINE and the stability of your faith in Christ." (NASB) The Christian life if full of disciplines... of Bible study, Scripture memorization, church accountability, prayer, ...but I also believe that disciplines can be specific to individuals. For example, how orderly am I in my music ministry? How disciplined am I to make my home a place where guests can feel free to visit...anytime? How orderly am I with the money God has given me through my job?
Orderliness was on the top of Paul's list...is it on the top of ours?
Paul was excited not only to see how solid their faith was, but to see their orderliness. Now, when I think of orderly, I think of clean rooms, tidy kitchens, organized garages, filing cabinets, and manila folders. Is that what Paul means? Is he planning on doing the "white glove" dust check on their furniture? hmmm...probably not. But, let's look at the same verse in a different translation- "...rejoicing to see your GOOD DISCIPLINE and the stability of your faith in Christ." (NASB) The Christian life if full of disciplines... of Bible study, Scripture memorization, church accountability, prayer, ...but I also believe that disciplines can be specific to individuals. For example, how orderly am I in my music ministry? How disciplined am I to make my home a place where guests can feel free to visit...anytime? How orderly am I with the money God has given me through my job?
Orderliness was on the top of Paul's list...is it on the top of ours?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Lessons from Jonah
The other day, a friend at the YMCA mentioned one of her favorite verses to me- Jonah 2:8. Now, I’ve read Jonah several times before, but I have never really camped out on this verse in particular. But, as I read and reread this passage, the Lord opened my eyes to new things in the entire chapter.
I’d like to share the two main things God really impressed upon my heart:
1. Your physical circumstances don’t dictate your spiritual deliverance
The context of Jonah 2 finds Jonah in the belly of a big whale. Not quite the picture of deliverance. However, because Jonah knows in Whom his help is found (2:1, 4, 7), he finds a supernatural peace and freedom. “…But You brought my life up from the pit, O LORD my God” (2:6b). Notice the past tense verb…Jonah acknowledged that God already rescued him…from his physical circumstances? No. But spiritually? Yes. Our deliverance might not necessarily look the way the world envisions it to take place. God works in mysterious ways!
2. Worshipping worthless idols can cause you to miss out on God’s grace
Jonah 2:8 says, “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” In disobeying his call to go to Nineveh, Jonah clung to the idol of self-comfort. Because of that choice, he gave up the opportunity to be blessed by God’s grace. How many times do I forfeit His grace? How many times do I cling to the idol of people-pleasing, or self-comfort, or materialism, and in turn, miss out on all of the many blessings the Lord wants to bestow on me? Or how often do I make my life’s circumstances more difficult because of my own choices to worship another god? God freely gives His grace, so let us not choose to forfeit such a wonderful gift.
I’d like to share the two main things God really impressed upon my heart:
1. Your physical circumstances don’t dictate your spiritual deliverance
The context of Jonah 2 finds Jonah in the belly of a big whale. Not quite the picture of deliverance. However, because Jonah knows in Whom his help is found (2:1, 4, 7), he finds a supernatural peace and freedom. “…But You brought my life up from the pit, O LORD my God” (2:6b). Notice the past tense verb…Jonah acknowledged that God already rescued him…from his physical circumstances? No. But spiritually? Yes. Our deliverance might not necessarily look the way the world envisions it to take place. God works in mysterious ways!
2. Worshipping worthless idols can cause you to miss out on God’s grace
Jonah 2:8 says, “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” In disobeying his call to go to Nineveh, Jonah clung to the idol of self-comfort. Because of that choice, he gave up the opportunity to be blessed by God’s grace. How many times do I forfeit His grace? How many times do I cling to the idol of people-pleasing, or self-comfort, or materialism, and in turn, miss out on all of the many blessings the Lord wants to bestow on me? Or how often do I make my life’s circumstances more difficult because of my own choices to worship another god? God freely gives His grace, so let us not choose to forfeit such a wonderful gift.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Jumping out of the Boat...Again...
Now, I'm not a fan of canoe trips, white water rafting, or deep sea fishing...(just ask me about my bamboo rafting experience in Thailand)...so, jumping out of a boat doesn't appeal to me. However, if I was in Peter's shoes, I hope that I would dive in and take the plunge! It seemed like Peter made a habit of jumping out of boats...all for the right reasons, though.
You may be familiar with the story of Peter walking on the water to meet Jesus (Matthew 14:25-32). As the disciples in the boat were trying to figure out who or what was walking on the water, Peter boldly said, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." Then, Jesus said, "Come." So, what did Peter do? He took the plunge! He wanted to join Jesus wherever, whenever, however! In verse 29 it says, "Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus." He had faith that it was Jesus...he had faith that his Lord would help him.
Well, this was not the only time Peter jumped out...in John 21, we can read of another instance where he took the plunge again. However, this time the story takes place in a completely different context. It was after Jesus' resurrection...which also means that Peter had already denied Jesus three times. I don't know about you, but at that point, I would be feeling extremely guilty, remorseful, and ashamed. It might be hard to even face the Lord after I denied him multiple times. But, check out Peter's response... some of the disciples were out fishing when Jesus came walking on the shore. At first, they didn't recognize Him, but once their eyes were opened, Peter took the plunge! He immediately jumped into the water after His Lord. Peter, again, displayed his faith in the Lord Jesus- he knew of His forgiveness, His cleansing power, and the restoration that could only come through Him. Peter jumped out of the boat...again...to be with Jesus. (BTW- check out the rest of John 21 to see how Christ reinstated and restored Peter)
What about us? Do we trust Christ enough that we would step out onto scary territory- even out of our comfort zones? Do we trust in His cleansing power- that despite what we have done in our pasts, Christ welcomes us with open, loving arms? Do we approach Him boldly in our prayers when we need grace and mercy? (Hebrews 4:16)
You ready to jump? He is there...waiting on us to take the plunge!
You may be familiar with the story of Peter walking on the water to meet Jesus (Matthew 14:25-32). As the disciples in the boat were trying to figure out who or what was walking on the water, Peter boldly said, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." Then, Jesus said, "Come." So, what did Peter do? He took the plunge! He wanted to join Jesus wherever, whenever, however! In verse 29 it says, "Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus." He had faith that it was Jesus...he had faith that his Lord would help him.
Well, this was not the only time Peter jumped out...in John 21, we can read of another instance where he took the plunge again. However, this time the story takes place in a completely different context. It was after Jesus' resurrection...which also means that Peter had already denied Jesus three times. I don't know about you, but at that point, I would be feeling extremely guilty, remorseful, and ashamed. It might be hard to even face the Lord after I denied him multiple times. But, check out Peter's response... some of the disciples were out fishing when Jesus came walking on the shore. At first, they didn't recognize Him, but once their eyes were opened, Peter took the plunge! He immediately jumped into the water after His Lord. Peter, again, displayed his faith in the Lord Jesus- he knew of His forgiveness, His cleansing power, and the restoration that could only come through Him. Peter jumped out of the boat...again...to be with Jesus. (BTW- check out the rest of John 21 to see how Christ reinstated and restored Peter)
What about us? Do we trust Christ enough that we would step out onto scary territory- even out of our comfort zones? Do we trust in His cleansing power- that despite what we have done in our pasts, Christ welcomes us with open, loving arms? Do we approach Him boldly in our prayers when we need grace and mercy? (Hebrews 4:16)
You ready to jump? He is there...waiting on us to take the plunge!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A 21st century P31 woman
"A wife of noble character who can find?...Her husband has full confidence in her...she brings him good, not harm...she works with eager hands...she gets up while it is still dark, she provides food for her family...she sets about her work vigorously...her arms are strong for her tasks...she extends her hands to the needy...she is clothed with strength and dignity...she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue...she watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness...give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." (excerpts from Proverbs 31:10-31)
This past weekend, I had the blessing of spending time with some of my relatives. I truly enjoyed the chance to be with them and spend time with my dear cousin. While I was there and even after I left, God has challenged me through the life of my aunt. I love my aunt- she is an amazing woman! I don't think I can truly nail down all of my thoughts in a blog entry, but I am going to try to give you a little piece of the challenge that's in my heart as a young woman.
When I was thinking of my aunt, Proverbs 31 immediately popped into my head. As I opened the text and began to read, her name jumped off the pages. After I left their house on Saturday night, one word continually stayed in my mind about my aunt- "selfless". Her life has not been absent of trials. She has been through extremely difficult times...circumstances to which I really don't know how I would respond. But, she ALWAYS has a positive outlook and a smile for those in need. It's not fake- or a mask she wears to hide her true feelings- no...she's real. Her joy comes from the Lord- her peace- her selflessness- her kindness- it's hard to describe in words such a beautiful woman. My aunt is always looking out for others...but not grudgingly or in expectance of something in return. No, she serves others because she truly loves people. And, she sees each individual for who he or she is- a wonderful creation of a GREAT GOD! (Psalm 139) In the midst of hardships, struggles, and arrows, my aunt rises above because she knows Who holds her in the palm of His Hands. Oh, thank You, Lord, for giving me such a beautiful example to follow. In following Proverbs 31:31, I want to praise my aunt at the city gate! Well, I don't really have a city gate- but, I can shout it from a blog! Thank you, Annie- I love you forever.
This past weekend, I had the blessing of spending time with some of my relatives. I truly enjoyed the chance to be with them and spend time with my dear cousin. While I was there and even after I left, God has challenged me through the life of my aunt. I love my aunt- she is an amazing woman! I don't think I can truly nail down all of my thoughts in a blog entry, but I am going to try to give you a little piece of the challenge that's in my heart as a young woman.
When I was thinking of my aunt, Proverbs 31 immediately popped into my head. As I opened the text and began to read, her name jumped off the pages. After I left their house on Saturday night, one word continually stayed in my mind about my aunt- "selfless". Her life has not been absent of trials. She has been through extremely difficult times...circumstances to which I really don't know how I would respond. But, she ALWAYS has a positive outlook and a smile for those in need. It's not fake- or a mask she wears to hide her true feelings- no...she's real. Her joy comes from the Lord- her peace- her selflessness- her kindness- it's hard to describe in words such a beautiful woman. My aunt is always looking out for others...but not grudgingly or in expectance of something in return. No, she serves others because she truly loves people. And, she sees each individual for who he or she is- a wonderful creation of a GREAT GOD! (Psalm 139) In the midst of hardships, struggles, and arrows, my aunt rises above because she knows Who holds her in the palm of His Hands. Oh, thank You, Lord, for giving me such a beautiful example to follow. In following Proverbs 31:31, I want to praise my aunt at the city gate! Well, I don't really have a city gate- but, I can shout it from a blog! Thank you, Annie- I love you forever.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Memorizing Memories
Just the other day, I was listening to the song, "Your Love is Deep"- a song that is based on Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
A beautiful passage...one that I have committed to memory. Then, I started thinking back of when I memorized it. Now, my memory is definitely not in the "stellar" category- so, what are the chances that I would remember the time and place this Scripture memorization actually occurred? But, surprisingly, I did. As I sat in my car, I started thinking back on the day that I put Romans 8:38-39 in my heart. I could see it clearly in my head...
We were in the backyard of our little ranch house in Ohio...it was a sunny, spring afternoon...we created motions to help us learn the verses...I was in the middle of my high school career...he was a youth leader in our church...wait...he? You may be asking, "Who is 'he'?" That "he" is very significant to this story. I believe he is a big reason why this memorization memory is so embedded in my mind. That "he" is my dad. My dad didn't just tell me to learn Scripture, he didn't just encourage me, he memorized it WITH me. I smile thinking of the quizzes we gave each other, the hand motions we made up to correspond with each word, and his "high 5" after I quoted it perfectly. My dad not only helped me learn a passage about God's unconditional love, he helped me see a glimpse of it.
I want to make more of those memorization memories...who can I encourage? Who can I "high 5"? We all have opportunities to invest in people...let's step out and make a memory...for eternity.
A beautiful passage...one that I have committed to memory. Then, I started thinking back of when I memorized it. Now, my memory is definitely not in the "stellar" category- so, what are the chances that I would remember the time and place this Scripture memorization actually occurred? But, surprisingly, I did. As I sat in my car, I started thinking back on the day that I put Romans 8:38-39 in my heart. I could see it clearly in my head...
We were in the backyard of our little ranch house in Ohio...it was a sunny, spring afternoon...we created motions to help us learn the verses...I was in the middle of my high school career...he was a youth leader in our church...wait...he? You may be asking, "Who is 'he'?" That "he" is very significant to this story. I believe he is a big reason why this memorization memory is so embedded in my mind. That "he" is my dad. My dad didn't just tell me to learn Scripture, he didn't just encourage me, he memorized it WITH me. I smile thinking of the quizzes we gave each other, the hand motions we made up to correspond with each word, and his "high 5" after I quoted it perfectly. My dad not only helped me learn a passage about God's unconditional love, he helped me see a glimpse of it.
I want to make more of those memorization memories...who can I encourage? Who can I "high 5"? We all have opportunities to invest in people...let's step out and make a memory...for eternity.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Name calling
Good looking. Popular. Loser. Rich girl. Snob. Sweet. Shy. Moody (not to be confused with Mr. D.L. Moody). Mean. Smart. The world calls people all sorts of different names. Some good...others not so good. But, our God also calls us names...GOOD names. His words are forever...they give us eternal worth. In Isaiah 62, God calls His children by various names. One of them, in particular, intrigued me..."Hephzibah" (vs. 4). It means, "My delight is in her". Wow! Our Creator God delights in us!!! Check out the other names in this passage (vs. 12):
-Holy People
-Redeemed of the Lord
-Sought After
-City No Longer Deserted
As a woman, I think my favorite name is "Sought After". Let's be honest, every woman wants to be sought after. She wants to feel that she is valued and loved. God knows that about us- He is well aware of our feelings, our emotions, and our needs. Because of that He assures us, "Daughter, you are sought after by Me- no one else can possibly care for you and love you the way I do. You are mine."
So, the next time someone asks you, "What's your name?" or "What do they call you?" Go ahead- tell them you are "Redeemed of the Lord" and "Sought after"...by an eternal God!
Thank You, Lord!
-Holy People
-Redeemed of the Lord
-Sought After
-City No Longer Deserted
As a woman, I think my favorite name is "Sought After". Let's be honest, every woman wants to be sought after. She wants to feel that she is valued and loved. God knows that about us- He is well aware of our feelings, our emotions, and our needs. Because of that He assures us, "Daughter, you are sought after by Me- no one else can possibly care for you and love you the way I do. You are mine."
So, the next time someone asks you, "What's your name?" or "What do they call you?" Go ahead- tell them you are "Redeemed of the Lord" and "Sought after"...by an eternal God!
Thank You, Lord!
Friday, April 18, 2008
"Worth the Struggle"
"I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally." (Colossians 2:1)
I know in college I was a professional at speed-reading...you know, when you have 3 books to read in one night (slight exaggeration) you gotta fasten your seatbelt and put on the speed! But, in our Bible study, I believe that each sentence, in fact, each WORD is important. God's Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)- every single word! So, don't skim the surface...dig deep! I camped out on Colossians 2:1 yesterday and stayed there for quite a while. There are many truths crammed in those 26 words...let's dig in...
*Struggling for YOU
Paul tells the Colossians that he is struggling to get rich and popular...right? Uh...no. Paul testifies that he is struggling for PEOPLE, so that he might present to them the Word of God in its fullness (Colossians 2:25). He invested in others...eternal souls. Even though it was a struggle at times (btw- ministry can be hard), he knew it was worth the struggle.
*Struggling for those at Laodicea
Remember reading about the Laodiceans in Revelation? This is what was said about these folks: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are luke-warm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked." (Revelation 4:15-17) So, why did Paul struggle for these people? After all, their priorities seemed out of whack, and they didn't even realize their need for a Savior. He struggled for them because it was worth it...they were people/eternal souls, and he knew his mission. It's hard to minister to folks who don't care about what you are saying, to those that care more about the things of this world than the message in Scripture, to people who don't grasp the big picture yet...sometimes it feels like it would be easier to give up...but, don't! God has called you to share His Word with them- not to save them...GOD is the Savior.
*Struggling "for all who have not met me personally"
Paul invested in people...even if he he didn't know them personally...he still struggled for them. Now, in our minds, it makes sense to struggle for someone you know deeply- for a close friend, a relative, or someone you respect. But for someone you haven't even met? Wow...that's love...God's love.
So...what or WHO are we struggling for? Our struggles may not be identical to Paul's, but we can have the same purpose...to invest in PEOPLE for the glory of God.
I know in college I was a professional at speed-reading...you know, when you have 3 books to read in one night (slight exaggeration) you gotta fasten your seatbelt and put on the speed! But, in our Bible study, I believe that each sentence, in fact, each WORD is important. God's Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)- every single word! So, don't skim the surface...dig deep! I camped out on Colossians 2:1 yesterday and stayed there for quite a while. There are many truths crammed in those 26 words...let's dig in...
*Struggling for YOU
Paul tells the Colossians that he is struggling to get rich and popular...right? Uh...no. Paul testifies that he is struggling for PEOPLE, so that he might present to them the Word of God in its fullness (Colossians 2:25). He invested in others...eternal souls. Even though it was a struggle at times (btw- ministry can be hard), he knew it was worth the struggle.
*Struggling for those at Laodicea
Remember reading about the Laodiceans in Revelation? This is what was said about these folks: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are luke-warm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked." (Revelation 4:15-17) So, why did Paul struggle for these people? After all, their priorities seemed out of whack, and they didn't even realize their need for a Savior. He struggled for them because it was worth it...they were people/eternal souls, and he knew his mission. It's hard to minister to folks who don't care about what you are saying, to those that care more about the things of this world than the message in Scripture, to people who don't grasp the big picture yet...sometimes it feels like it would be easier to give up...but, don't! God has called you to share His Word with them- not to save them...GOD is the Savior.
*Struggling "for all who have not met me personally"
Paul invested in people...even if he he didn't know them personally...he still struggled for them. Now, in our minds, it makes sense to struggle for someone you know deeply- for a close friend, a relative, or someone you respect. But for someone you haven't even met? Wow...that's love...God's love.
So...what or WHO are we struggling for? Our struggles may not be identical to Paul's, but we can have the same purpose...to invest in PEOPLE for the glory of God.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Nim's Island
Today, I had the blessing of hanging out with a sweet friend. We went to see the movie, "Nim's Island". I really had no idea what it was about, but after I saw it, I thoroughly enjoyed the film! Now, as you know, this blog is not for movie reviews (btw- it's a good one)...but, I'd like to share some of the spiritual lessons I learned from it (even if that wasn't the director's intentions). Here let me explain:
To give you some background... Jack Russo (a marine biologist and scientific researcher) and his 11 year old daughter, Nim, live alone on an island far out in the ocean. Obviously, as they are the only people living on this island, their lives are vastly different than majority of others in the 21st century. Jack and Nim love the different adventures they encounter everyday. On the other side of the world, in San Francisco, lives Alexandra Rover, a successful author who writes adventure novels. The irony of the situation is that Miss Rover's real life is anything but adventurous. Because of her agoraphobia, she never goes outside of her apartment...the front door is an enemy. After a turn of events, however, Alexandra finds herself stepping (more like jumping) WAY out of her comfort zone. Although painful at times, she eventually realizes that there is so much more to life...so much adventure and excitement within her grasp. She just has to reach out and grab it. No longer are adventures just made-up stories in novels, she can truly live them.
As I watched this movie, I thought of how this is similar to the Christian life. Many times we read about incredible adventures that are in the Bible- the courage of Esther, the boldness of Paul, the leadership of Josiah, the perseverance of Moses, the faith of Noah, and many more. Yet, we often view these Biblical people as merely characters in an adventure novel. But, they were people just like us- with real feelings and real fears...but they had real adventures. How? They didn't let the spirit of fear stop them from pursuing what God had called them to do. We serve the same big God...why don't we step out of our comfort zones, reach for the door He has left unlocked, and passionately live the adventure of a lifetime! All for His glory!
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7)
To give you some background... Jack Russo (a marine biologist and scientific researcher) and his 11 year old daughter, Nim, live alone on an island far out in the ocean. Obviously, as they are the only people living on this island, their lives are vastly different than majority of others in the 21st century. Jack and Nim love the different adventures they encounter everyday. On the other side of the world, in San Francisco, lives Alexandra Rover, a successful author who writes adventure novels. The irony of the situation is that Miss Rover's real life is anything but adventurous. Because of her agoraphobia, she never goes outside of her apartment...the front door is an enemy. After a turn of events, however, Alexandra finds herself stepping (more like jumping) WAY out of her comfort zone. Although painful at times, she eventually realizes that there is so much more to life...so much adventure and excitement within her grasp. She just has to reach out and grab it. No longer are adventures just made-up stories in novels, she can truly live them.
As I watched this movie, I thought of how this is similar to the Christian life. Many times we read about incredible adventures that are in the Bible- the courage of Esther, the boldness of Paul, the leadership of Josiah, the perseverance of Moses, the faith of Noah, and many more. Yet, we often view these Biblical people as merely characters in an adventure novel. But, they were people just like us- with real feelings and real fears...but they had real adventures. How? They didn't let the spirit of fear stop them from pursuing what God had called them to do. We serve the same big God...why don't we step out of our comfort zones, reach for the door He has left unlocked, and passionately live the adventure of a lifetime! All for His glory!
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Finding Significance in Christ = Finding Peace
Finding our worth in Christ is finding peace. This kind of peace might parallel with feelings of ease, a relaxed mindset, and freedom. Think about it…how many times do you feel like you need to impress someone with your words, wit, or wallet? Have you ever played events over in your mind thinking, “Did I say the right thing?” Ooh...I have both my hands raised at this point! But, when we put our total worth and significance in Christ, we can put those fears aside…or rather, to death. Last night, I was driving home from a ballgame with some friends. We were listening to some Christian music, and I was gazing out the window- enjoying the sun disappearing behind the rows of trees. I sat there, and I almost spoke (which is my tendency, by the way), but then I paused and I could hear God speak to my heart… “Emily, my daughter, just enjoy Me right now. You don’t have to speak to get attention from your peers…You already have My attention and that’s all that matters. You are significant, you are special, you have worth because You are Mine.” Period. The end. When I find my significance totally in Christ, those people pleasing fears are buried…gone…and then, God ushers in His peace straight to my heart and mind. (sigh)…peace.
Isaiah 43:1- "...you are Mine...", says the Lord
Isaiah 43:1- "...you are Mine...", says the Lord
Friday, April 11, 2008
The commission God gave me
"I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness..." (Colossians 1:25)
Paul is a rather bold guy...I mean, he really doesn't beat around the bush when he wants to make a point. Now, you may be thinking- "Emily, how is this statement (in Colossians 1:25) bold? Hmmm...maybe I can use another word for bold...how about confident? Uh-oh...now "confident" can almost sound prideful in our culture. But, I believe the kind of confidence Paul exudes here is righteous...one of faith- not in his own flesh (Phil. 3:3b).
In this passage, Paul point blank refers to his ministry of sharing the gospel to the Colossians as "the commission God gave" him. He didn't second guess himself- he didn't say, "Well, I'm pretty sure God has called me to talk to y'all" or "I feel that this is the right thing to do, so I'm going to share with you". No! Paul boldly said that God had specifically commissioned him to share the gospel with the Colossians. He was ready to serve, even calling himself a "servant".
You may be thinking..."Well, that's PAUL, Emily! He's Mr. Super Christian- of course he could be confident of his calling." I beg to differ...Paul was a human being, just like us. Paul had emotions, he had fears, he had his ups & downs, he had doubts...but, he took what was given to him in life and he went for it. He wholeheartedly served God- he didn't sit around and wonder, "Is this God's calling on my life? or is it this?" Paul jumped right in- he saw the need, he knew God's heart, and he boldly approached each mission with God's energy, which powerfully worked in him (Col. 1:29).
Don't keep second guessing yourself...be confident in the commission God has given you for today- work it out in boldness...knowing that God is powerfully working within YOU!
Paul is a rather bold guy...I mean, he really doesn't beat around the bush when he wants to make a point. Now, you may be thinking- "Emily, how is this statement (in Colossians 1:25) bold? Hmmm...maybe I can use another word for bold...how about confident? Uh-oh...now "confident" can almost sound prideful in our culture. But, I believe the kind of confidence Paul exudes here is righteous...one of faith- not in his own flesh (Phil. 3:3b).
In this passage, Paul point blank refers to his ministry of sharing the gospel to the Colossians as "the commission God gave" him. He didn't second guess himself- he didn't say, "Well, I'm pretty sure God has called me to talk to y'all" or "I feel that this is the right thing to do, so I'm going to share with you". No! Paul boldly said that God had specifically commissioned him to share the gospel with the Colossians. He was ready to serve, even calling himself a "servant".
You may be thinking..."Well, that's PAUL, Emily! He's Mr. Super Christian- of course he could be confident of his calling." I beg to differ...Paul was a human being, just like us. Paul had emotions, he had fears, he had his ups & downs, he had doubts...but, he took what was given to him in life and he went for it. He wholeheartedly served God- he didn't sit around and wonder, "Is this God's calling on my life? or is it this?" Paul jumped right in- he saw the need, he knew God's heart, and he boldly approached each mission with God's energy, which powerfully worked in him (Col. 1:29).
Don't keep second guessing yourself...be confident in the commission God has given you for today- work it out in boldness...knowing that God is powerfully working within YOU!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Perfect Peace
Really? Can there truly be "perfect peace"? It almost sounds to good to be true, doesn't it?! Nothing in this world is perfect- as humans, we have no concept of what that really means. But, a perfect peace really does exist- it is something supernatural...it's from God! Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You." This is a promise from God's Word- a promise that you can count on with your life. No one and nothing in this world can give you this kind of peace- only your Heavenly Father. But, in order for this perfect peace to flood our minds, we have to keep our minds steadfast...focused on Jesus, stayed on Him...trusting Him. The word "trust" in this passage comes from the the Hebrew word, "batach", which means to attach oneself, to confide in, feel safe, be confident, secure. Think about it...if we attach ourselves to Christ and confide everything in Him, don't you think this would result in a God-kind of peace? Yes!! And, that's what He promises to us! So, put Your confidence and security in the Lord Jesus. Keep Your mind stayed on Him- focus on Him...and HE will be the one to give you that perfect peace this world so desperately desires.
Friday, March 21, 2008
DOK mission statement
Well...the DOK (Daughters of the King) mission statement has been set for awhile...but, today I wanted to make it easier for the girls to remember. So, when they are asked, "What is the purpose of DOK?" They can say it in less than 5 seconds...
So, what's the purpose of DOK, Emily? Well, let me tell you...
It is to help middle/high school girls:
FIND Christ
FIND Significance
FIND Victory
There are some points that go with each of those points, but now we can remember it...it's so important to know why we are doing what we are doing, ya know?
Lord, please bless this ministry...please establish the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17)
So, what's the purpose of DOK, Emily? Well, let me tell you...
It is to help middle/high school girls:
FIND Christ
FIND Significance
FIND Victory
There are some points that go with each of those points, but now we can remember it...it's so important to know why we are doing what we are doing, ya know?
Lord, please bless this ministry...please establish the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17)
Monday, March 17, 2008
How Deep...
Well...ok...I'm not the greatest at updating this thing, but I'm going to try again. The Daughters of the King website will, hopefully, be coming up in a couple of months- and I'd like to put this blog on there...as a link...possibly...so, then, I'll really have to keep it updated!
Oh, the Lord continues to show me His deep love...yesterday was Palm Sunday, and I truly experienced it in a completely different way- it's hard to explain what goes on in one's heart in words...so, I probably won't. But, I will just say that His love was demonstrated to me in a new way. Praise the Lord. We sang this song yesterday at our Easter program, and I want to write it out for you: How very deep is His love for us...
How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He would give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss-
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon the cross
My guilt upon His shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no powers, no wisdom,
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom.
Amen- Hosanna to the King
Oh, the Lord continues to show me His deep love...yesterday was Palm Sunday, and I truly experienced it in a completely different way- it's hard to explain what goes on in one's heart in words...so, I probably won't. But, I will just say that His love was demonstrated to me in a new way. Praise the Lord. We sang this song yesterday at our Easter program, and I want to write it out for you: How very deep is His love for us...
How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He would give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss-
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon the cross
My guilt upon His shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no powers, no wisdom,
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom.
Amen- Hosanna to the King
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